近日,由温哥华青年精英商业协会主办,汉嘉酒业携手五粮液集团大力支持的温哥华中青会(Vancouver Young Elite Business Association)第七届慈善晚宴在列治文市的温哥华帕克JW万豪酒店盛大举行,活动现场气氛热烈,座无虚席,吸引了450位来自温哥华各个领域的青年才俊齐聚一堂。...
One of our key missions is to ensure that our spirits are enjoyed responsibly. We must confirm that you are of legal drinking age in your country before welcoming you to SINOCAN SUPPLY. If there is no legal age for consuming alcohol in your country, you must be over 18.