2022年3月10日,由总部位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的饮品杂志 Alchemist 主办,在温哥华最负盛名的派对场地之一——温哥华费尔蒙酒店举行的温哥华鸡尾酒周的重头戏 Fun City Gala 圆满落幕,作为大温解封后第一场规模最大的线下活动,现场人潮涌动,吸引了无数鸡尾酒和美食爱好者们在这里怡然自得。...
One of our key missions is to ensure that our spirits are enjoyed responsibly. We must confirm that you are of legal drinking age in your country before welcoming you to SINOCAN SUPPLY. If there is no legal age for consuming alcohol in your country, you must be over 18.