LANGJIU – HONGHUA LANG 15 YEAR – 500ml 53% alc./vol

Place of Origin:Sichuan, China

ComponentSorghum, wheat, water

Alcohol content:53% alc./vol.

AB SKU#: 871715

Product Details

The “Lang” brand alcoholic beverages, named after its place of origin, Er Lang Town, in Gulin County Sichuan Province. The enhanced Honghua Lang 15 Year, utilising the advantaged natural conditions of Tianbao Cave and Langjiu sophisticated techniques passed on over centuries, is made from top quality local red rice sorghum, high grade wheat and spring water from Chishui River banks. Its characteristics include prominent soy sauce aroma, fine and smooth texture, full-bodied rich flavour, long lasting aftertaste and lingering fragrance on empty glasses.

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