近日,中国著名白酒品牌洋河与Landa Global Properties大地房产联手合作,为“1818 Alberni X Talisman艺术之夜”提供现场活动用酒,达成了中国文化与国际艺术的跨界交流,同时也为中国白酒在国际市场的推广提供了新的机遇。 “1818 Alberni X Talisman艺术之夜”是由Landa Global Properties携手Talisman Art...
春节期间,汉嘉酒业和五粮液受埃德蒙顿商会Edmonton Chamber of Commerce及香港-加拿大商业协会Hong Kong-Canada Business Association邀请,参加“阿尔伯塔省与香港之间贸易的未来”商务交流会议,会议期间我们把浓香中国年自然又热闹地带入了西方社会。会议由财经专家主导讨论,主要探讨了两边贸易机会、投资者感兴趣的新兴领域以及加强中国香港与加拿大阿尔伯塔省之间各种商业关系的机会。...
One of our key missions is to ensure that our spirits are enjoyed responsibly. We must confirm that you are of legal drinking age in your country before welcoming you to SINOCAN SUPPLY. If there is no legal age for consuming alcohol in your country, you must be over 18.