伴随着欢呼声,继艾伯塔省,不列颠哥伦比亚省,安大略省后,43度迎宾国酒茅台正式进入魁北克省!所有魁北克的朋友们可以在SAQ Signature酒坊购买到茅台。若想了解更多关于茅台的购买信息,可以访问购买地址的Quebec页面查看。
伴随着欢呼声,继艾伯塔省,不列颠哥伦比亚省,安大略省后,43度迎宾国酒茅台正式进入魁北克省!所有魁北克的朋友们可以在SAQ Signature酒坊购买到茅台。若想了解更多关于茅台的购买信息,可以访问购买地址的Quebec页面查看。
One of our key missions is to ensure that our spirits are enjoyed responsibly. We must confirm that you are of legal drinking age in your country before welcoming you to SINOCAN SUPPLY. If there is no legal age for consuming alcohol in your country, you must be over 18.