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Recently, the Canadian Chinese Catering Association (CCSA) and the Fengshang Canada Chamber of Commerce held a grand opening ceremony at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. This significant event attracted nearly 300 participants, including Chinese business leaders and representatives from various sectors worldwide, all gathered to witness this momentous occasion.

Wuliangye, a treasure of Chinese Baijiu, brought a brilliant touch of China’s rich heritage to the night sky with its centuries-old distilling craftsmanship and deep cultural significance, becoming a highlight of the evening. Sinocan Supply Inc. was honored to partner with Wuliangye as a sponsor of this remarkable event, celebrating the fusion of business collaboration and cultural exchange. Together, we witnessed Wuliangye’s dazzling presence as an ambassador of Chinese Baijiu culture on the international stage.

Mike Wu, representing Sinocan Supply Inc. and Wuliangye in British Columbia, took the stage to introduce the rich history and intricate distilling craftsmanship of Wuliangye.

In Vancouver, a grand feast blending Eastern charm with Western elegance unfolded, with the spotlight firmly on the radiant bottles of Wuliangye gracing the tables. The amber liquid shimmered under the lights, each drop infused with the wisdom and craftsmanship of Chinese tradition. Wuliangye, with its unique blend of “five-grain essence,” masterfully combines the aromas of rice, wheat, glutinous rice, corn, and sorghum, offering a sublime tribute to the senses with every sip.

At the banquet, guests raised their glasses in unison, as the rich aroma of Wuliangye mingled with the Vancouver sea breeze, creating a harmonious resonance that transcended borders. Wuliangye is more than just a drink; it is a bridge between the past and the future, an ambassador of friendship, and a vessel of culture. Each glass of Wuliangye carried heartfelt wishes for the new association’s success and celebrated the deep, enduring friendship between China and Canada.

Hua Niu, President of the Canadian Chinese Catering Association (CCSA), delivered the opening remarks at the event.

At the banquet, guests raised their glasses in unison, as the rich aroma of Wuliangye mingled with the Vancouver sea breeze, creating a harmonious resonance that transcended borders. Wuliangye is more than just a drink; it is a bridge between the past and the future, an ambassador of friendship, and a vessel of culture. Each glass of Wuliangye carried heartfelt wishes for the new association’s success and celebrated the deep, enduring friendship between China and Canada.

BC Provincial MLA George Chow (left) and Burnaby City Councillor James Wang (right) attended the event to offer their congratulations.

BC Provincial MLA George Chow and Burnaby City Councillor James Wang were also present to celebrate this significant occasion. They warmly congratulated the new association on its establishment and expressed high hopes for its future growth and success.

Guests at the event enjoyed chocolate desserts infused with Wuliangye.

As a sponsor of the evening banquet, Wuliangye not only showcased its brand influence on the international stage but also highlighted its role as a vital cultural bridge. The event featured specially crafted chocolate desserts infused with Wuliangye, demonstrating the limitless possibilities of blending Baijiu with culinary art. The harmonious pairing of Wuliangye’s rich aroma with the sweetness of chocolate delighted the guests, earning widespread praise. This innovative approach not only enriched the event but also underscored Wuliangye’s commitment to innovation and cultural integration.

Guests at the event gathered at the Wuliangye display to experience the rich culture of Wuliangye and savor its exceptional Baijiu.

Wuliangye’s presence at this event carried profound significance. It not only added a unique cultural dimension to the occasion but also infused new energy into the cultural exchange between China and Canada. Wuliangye showcased the distinctive allure of Chinese Baijiu to the world, while reaffirming its commitment to fostering international friendship and cultural exchange.

Throughout the event, every appearance of Wuliangye captured the guests’ full attention. Wuliangye is more than just a drink; it embodies a rich culture, deep emotions, and a profound history. Each glass of Wuliangye represents a celebration of tradition and heritage. During the banquet, every toast was a wish for a bright future and a tribute to enduring friendship.

Wuliangye is not just a Chinese Baijiu; it is a cultural symbol and a bridge of friendship.

Through this sponsorship, Wuliangye not only enhanced its international brand recognition but also strengthened its connections across various sectors in Canada. Wuliangye’s sponsorship was not just a commercial success; it was a significant cultural victory. It showcased the unique allure of Chinese Baijiu and contributed to fostering stronger ties between China and Canada.

Wuliangye’s sponsorship added brilliance to the CCSA Catering Association’s Grand Opening event, marking a new chapter in the friendship between China and Canada. Moving forward, Wuliangye will continue to leverage its unique cultural appeal to strengthen the connections between the two nations and promote deeper exchanges and collaboration across various fields. Wuliangye is not just a Chinese Baijiu; it is a cultural symbol and a bridge of friendship. In the days to come, Sinocan Supply Inc. will collaborate with Wuliangye to create even more memorable moments, serving as both witnesses and advocates for the enduring friendship between China and Canada.

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