On November 17th, 2019, Moutai Cocktail concert that was held in a Chinese antique furniture store called “Wu&McHugh” attracted a lot of visitors.

This concert, which is named “ A Shot of Music A Shot of Moutai ”, was exclusively sponsored by KweiChow Moutai. During the concert, the biggest Kweichow Moutai franchisor Sinocan Supply Inc. provided a special Moutai Cocktail called “Kweichow Punch”, which mixed Kweichow Moutai Chiew with White Rum, Angostura, green tea, honey, lime juice, Pineapple juice and coconut juice, received a tremendous response from the local participants. Moreover, many local participants demonstrated strong interest to the original Moutai Chiew, and they wanted to take a sip of it. Not surprisingly, Kweichow Moutai successfully pleasured their taste buds.

One of our key missions is to ensure that our spirits are enjoyed responsibly. We must confirm that you are of legal drinking age in your country before welcoming you to SINOCAN SUPPLY. If there is no legal age for consuming alcohol in your country, you must be over 18.


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