On November 17th, 2019, Moutai Cocktail concert that was held in a Chinese antique furniture store called “Wu&McHugh” attracted a lot of visitors.
This concert, which is named “ A Shot of Music A Shot of Moutai ”, was exclusively sponsored by KweiChow Moutai. During the concert, the biggest Kweichow Moutai franchisor Sinocan Supply Inc. provided a special Moutai Cocktail called “Kweichow Punch”, which mixed Kweichow Moutai Chiew with White Rum, Angostura, green tea, honey, lime juice, Pineapple juice and coconut juice, received a tremendous response from the local participants. Moreover, many local participants demonstrated strong interest to the original Moutai Chiew, and they wanted to take a sip of it. Not surprisingly, Kweichow Moutai successfully pleasured their taste buds.